

加州州立大学, 洛杉矶为员工提供各种带薪和无薪休假. 如果你需要请假或者有其他问题, 请致电分机x3651与福利办事处联络.

Note: Employees should read the following information in conjunction with their Collective Bargaining Agreement language. 联系 福利机构 有问题吗?.



电话/ Ext: 3 - 3651



An employee should provide at least a 30-day notice to the campus before commencement of any paid or unpaid leave; however, 如果休假必须在30天内开始, 员工必须提供尽可能多的通知. 员工应填写请假申请表. 获取所有部门签名后, 表格提交给人力资源管理部门审批. Employees are advised to meet with 好处 prior to taking a medical/disability leave, 并且需要医生出具残疾证明.

Employees are entitled to take Family and Medical Leave if they have been employed for at least 12 months in the 12 months preceding the leave. FML是根据州和联邦法律向员工提供的, which grant up to 12 weeks of leave during a 12-month period to care for themselves, 孩子们, 配偶, 或者有严重疾病的父母. 需要医生证明.

FML与FML期间使用的所有带薪假期同时运行. FML确保, if an employee happens to not have enough paid leave time to cover the FML absence, 雇主将继续支付该保险期限内的福利保费. 另外, FML entitles the employee to reinstatement to the same or comparable position with equivalent benefits, pay and conditions of employment upon the employee’s return to work at the end of the FML period.

Non-industrial Disability Insurance (NDI) is a wage continuation program paid for by the state. 没有员工供款, 为了符合资格,需要支付注册费或进行体检. NDI provides up to 26 weeks of benefits to eligible employees who are unable to work due to a non-work-related illness or injury including pregnancy. This plan is in lieu of State Disability Insurance (SDI) benefit that is also administered through the Employment Development Department.

在申请NDI福利之前, 符合条件的员工应首先申请并获得批准的休假. 申请NDI,员工必须联系福利办公室.

Employee must be an active CalPERS or CalSTRS member in compensated employment, and:

  • 犯罪现场组的全职永久员工或试用员工,或者
  • A part-time or hourly employee with at least the equivalent of six months of compensated pay of service in the 18 months immediately preceding the pay period in which the disability begins, or
  • Appointed half time or more in a salaried position for one year of service or one academic year or more.

Before NDI payments begin, the employee must first exhaust all accrued sick leave credits. If any vacation time is used, all vacation accrued must be exhausted before NDI benefits can be paid. 而在NDI员工将不会收到PERS服务积分,和 no 退休供款将从NDI福利中扣除. 此外,员工将不累积病假或休假.

The Employment Development Department determines the period of eligibility and authorizes claims. 一旦工资部门收到福利办公室的授权, 向国家财务主任提出付款请求. Payment is then prepared on a monthly basis through the 工资 Office and distributed by the employee’s department.

Voluntary deductions for employee benefits plans including health/dental/vision insurance, 信用合作社, 停车费, 等. 会自动从NDI津贴中扣除吗. 但是,雇员可以取消自愿扣除.

Any CSU employee who accrues vacation or sick leave credits may voluntarily donate either of those credits (refer to the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement for the maximum hours you can donate) to any other CSU employee on the same campus. 接收员工必须已用尽所有累计休假积分,即.e.由于灾难性的疾病或伤害,请病假、休假和首席技术官. 如需进一步资料,请联络福利办事处.

Paid maternity/paternity/adoption leave benefits are paid to certain employee groups, 受限制. 此假与家庭和医疗假同时休.


This provides a female employee with up to four months of leave if the employee is disabled due to pregnancy. This is a separate entitlement from the 基社盟完了 entitlement and is exhausted prior to employee’s being placed on 基社盟完了.




这是因怀孕而请的无薪假, childbirth or the recovery there from of a female employee as determined by the employee, 但不能超过一年. ECML跟踪CPDL和FML, 对于正常怀孕来说, the female employee would be out for six weeks of CPDL and up to 12 weeks of FML for a total of 4 ½ months of leave which meets the legal requirements under these three leave provisions. The maximum leave of absence (combining unpaid leave and utilization of leave credits) for permanent employees subject to CPDL, 基社盟完了, ECML是一年.

丧亲之痛 leave is granted upon the death of an immediate family member or a “significantly close relative” as defined by University Policy and the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Refer to the collective bargaining agreement for the number of bereavement days allowed.

雇员有时间履行陪审义务. Employees will receive full salary while absent to perform jury duty provided the University is reimbursed for monies employees receive for serving as jurors. (不限天数).

紧急, temporary and indefinite military leaves are provided in compliance with federal and state regulations and collective bargaining provisions.

If a voter does not have sufficient time outside of working hours to vote at a statewide election, 选民可以, 不损失工资, take off enough working time which when added to the voting time available outside of working hours will enable the voter to vote. No more than two hours of the time taken off for voting shall be 不损失工资.

A full or partial leave of absence without pay may be granted to eligible employees. Formal leaves of absence without pay are requested of the appropriate administrator in writing by the employee and may be granted for satisfactory reasons. (有关表格可向人力资源部索取.)休假为员工提供了两个主要保护:

  • They guarantee employees the right to return to the same classification without loss of benefits.
  • 他们保护团体保险计划的覆盖范围. Most group insurance plans may be continued while an employee is on an approved leave of absence. Direct payment of premiums must be made by the employee in order to continue coverage. 这些付款的安排可以在人力资源部进行.